Welcome Onboard!

Welcome to SBYAR Community! 


Congratulations on taking this very first step to your dream life by enrolling in this online course! I can’t wait to see what you do with your newfound confidence and courage! ☺

Each of these lessons are narrated as audio just in case you prefer the format for learning on the go- otherwise you’ll find the same content written here in these lesson areas. Let’s dive in!

Marie Forleo said, “The key to success is to start before you’re ready.”

The truth is, we all start in the same place: no money, no resources, no contacts, no experience. The difference is that some people choose to start anyway.

I created this course, in anticipation of doors opening for my private Starters community. The goal: give us all a head-start to start something that matters, finding purpose and meaning behind our work and breaking the cycle of fear and procrastination.

Here’s my commitment to you: every single lesson will give you the practical tips on how to overcome fear, procrastination, etc. The lessons will each contain a combination of my favorite things, at least one: big idea, book, podcast, activity, or tool to excite you!

How to go through the course: Although I have sequenced them in order that makes most sense to me, they are also meant to be modular so that you can jump in anywhere. Mark lessons once complete so you can track your progress.

More importantly, do the work! If you follow these simple, practical tips, exercises, and tools, you will be well on your way toward —- fear and live up to your potential! That’s what this course is all about! ☺

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